Pilot Careers and Flight Training Seminar Ticket

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Pilot Careers and Flight Training Seminar Ticket
Product Details

Pilot Careers and Flight Training Seminar is Scotland’s Leading Aviation Career Event.


Holiday Inn Glasgow Airport, Saturday 22nd March 2025, 11:00-1600

Secure a ticket today to Scotland’s only Pilot Careers Event!

The cost of learning to fly is no longer as expensive as one might think with flight schools now providing affordable flight training. Like anything, you should ‘shop around’ to find the right training provider and solution that suits you. This seminar will prove invaluable for you and your family as you go through your preparations to begin training and kick start your career.

Who will be there?

  • ACS Flight Training - The UK's Leading Flying School
  • Airlines including Jet2.com, Emerald Airlines, Loganair and Gama Aviation
  • Bose Aviation - The Leading Aviation Headset Company
  • Flight Deck Wingman - Airline Pilot Recruitment Support
  • Path2Pilot - ATPL Ground Training Specialists
  • British Woman Pilots' Association
  • Pooleys - Flight Training Equipment Company

Who should attend?

  • ACS Flight Training Scholarship Applicants
  • Anyone interested in a career in aviation
  • Military Pilots or Ex-Military Pilots
  • Those who are completing professional training
  • Cadets interested to learn more about APS MCC courses
  • Those considering making an exciting career change

This purpose of this seminar is to provide you with aviation industry knowledge, flight training advice and career opportunities. ACS Flight Training will award their 2025 Flying Scholarships at the event.

Secure a ticket today to Scotland’s only Pilot Careers Event!