Multi Engine Piston (MEP) Rating

£4 295.00
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Product Details

The Multi-Engine Piston Rating (MEP) allows you to fly twin-engined piston aircraft. If you intend to take up a professional flying career, the Multi Engine Rating is an essential step.

The course consists of 7-hours of ground school lessons, a multiple-choice format exam, and 6 hours in our Diamond DA42 Twinstar followed by the MEP Skills Test with an examiner. 3.5 hours of the 6 hours in the aircraft will be spent on asymmetric training where you will learn how to control safely the aircraft in the event of an engine failure.

Before commencing the course, you must have a minimum 70-hours pilot-in-command (PIC) in light aircraft. The MEP course typically takes approximately 1-2 weeks to complete on a full time basis. If you are planning to do the Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (IR) we recommend that you complete this training immediately before commencing the IR course.

The MEP skills test, however, may be completed towards the end of the IR course after you have gained more experience flying multi-engine aircraft during the ME/IR course.

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